Emotional Neglect in Adult Relationships: Causes, Signs, and Ways to Overcome It
Allison Kim
Relationships can come with more than you bargained for and can be less fulfilling than hoped. Each relationship comes with a unique set of gifts, challenges, and opportunities. As you navigate your relationships with others, you might identify areas where change is needed. One such area is emotional neglect, a subtle but deeply impactful dynamic that can erode intimacy and well-being over time.
Breaking Down Emotional Neglect
When you’re in a relationship, it’s a given that your partner or spouse won’t be perfect, and that includes not being able to perfectly meet every need. No person can satisfy our hearts like that. Emotional neglect, however, isn’t about occasional lapses in a loved one’s ability to meet our emotional needs.
Also referred to as emotional abandonment or emotional invalidation, it is a pervasive pattern of behavior in which one partner consistently disregards, ignores, or dismisses the other’s emotional needs. This can happen with your caregivers when you’re young, but it can also happen in adult relationships. Research has shown that persistent emotional neglect can contribute to feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety.
When it occurs, your loved one fails to provide you with necessary emotional support or validation, instead consistently dismissing or minimizing your feelings and experiences, leaving you without a sense of comfort or reassurance. When the people you love and trust are unwilling or unable to meet your emotional needs, it can leave you feeling unimportant, unseen, or unheard.
When you experience emotional neglect, it will have a real impact on your well-being. If you internalize the message that your feelings aren’t important or valid, it can lead you down a path where it becomes difficult to recognize and express your emotions.
Emotional neglect in relationships is linked to attachment insecurity and can also make it harder to form and maintain intimate relationships with others as a result of struggling to trust people and be vulnerable with them.
Relationships can provide much-needed emotional support and validation which helps the individual to cope with stressors. Without that support, it may increase one’s anxiety levels, and it may become easier to resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with life’s many hardships.
Some Causes of Emotional Neglect
In a given relationship, emotional neglect may be the result of many different factors. Some of these may reach back as far as childhood, while others are nearer in time and related to events that occurred during the relationship itself. Knowing what has caused it can help with addressing it. Some possible causes in adult relationships include the following:
Childhood experiences If one or both of you have unresolved childhood trauma or emotional wounds, that can result in being emotionally distant or avoidant in adult relationships. If one or both of you grew up in a home or environment where emotions were ignored or dismissed, you may replicate these patterns in your relationship.
Poor communication skills If there’s difficulty in your ability to express your needs and emotions, it may lead to unintentional neglect by your partner. Additionally, if one or both of you fear and avoid conflict, that can cause you to sidestep important conversations where your desires and needs can be discussed and ultimately met. Avoiding these important discussions can result in emotional neglect.
Personal traits and issues Past experiences of hurt in relationships can make it hard for some people to be emotionally intimate and vulnerable. Emotional neglect may also occur in relationships with a narcissistic partner who prioritizes their own needs. Other issues like anxiety or depression can make one’s partner inadvertently become emotionally withdrawn or neglectful.
Relationship dynamics In addition to poor communication, poor emotional intelligence may bring it about. If the partners have different love languages and needs, they may unintentionally neglect each other’s needs.
Stress, work, or financial pressures When a couple is facing certain stressors, they can respond in unhelpful or unhealthy ways such as becoming emotionally distant or neglectful.
Conflict and withdrawal. Sometimes, emotional neglect is the result of a couple experiencing conflict and withdrawing from one another in the process. In some instances, the emotional neglect is intentional and may even serve as a way of punishing the other partner.
Social or cultural expectations Each individual in a relationship comes bundled up with societal or cultural norms that exert themselves in different ways. Some of these norms may emphasize emotional aloofness or independence, leading to emotional neglect in the relationship.
Emotional neglect isn’t always intentional; at times, circumstances affect one or both partners’ availability for one another. It’s important to extend grace to one another as you try to get at the root of the emotional neglect.
Signs of Emotional Neglect in a Relationship
When emotional neglect happens in a relationship, it can happen gradually over time, or it can set in at a fixed point. Neglect can be subtle, but even then, it’s still a painful reality to experience. Some common signs of emotional neglect in a relationship include the following:
A lack of emotional support Your partner may not ask about your feelings, not listen actively when you’re talking to them, not offer you comfort when you’re upset, or encouragement and celebration when you need it. If you are the one making all the effort to reach out, reconcile, support, and connect, that could also point to emotional neglect.
Dismissive or minimizing behavior Your emotions matter, if not to the world, then at least to the people closest to you. Emotional neglect may look like your partner downplaying your emotions, or perhaps making you feel like your feelings aren’t valid or important.
Emotional unavailability Your partner may be consistently preoccupied, distant, or unresponsive to your emotional needs. Instead of you holding their attention, they may be holding a device like their phone and paying you no mind, for instance.
Making little to no effort to understand you We all desire to be known and appreciated. If your partner doesn’t make an effort to try and understand your thoughts, feelings, interests, or desires, that may be a sign of emotional neglect.
Neglecting special moments In every relationship, there are milestones and important celebratory moments. Not every couple will be into it, but when it is important to one or both of you, consistently forgetting or ignoring important dates, events, or milestones may be a sign of emotional neglect.
Lack of quality time For a relationship to flourish, there’s a need for intentional investment in one another. That takes time. If you don’t spend quality time together, or if it feels forced, rushed, or distracted when you do, that might also point to emotional neglect.
Unwillingness to resolve conflicts Every relationship deals with conflict. However, emotional neglect may be present if you and your partner avoid or dismiss conflicts, leaving issues unresolved.
Feeling unheard or unseen If you carry the feeling or conviction that your partner doesn’t truly hear, understand, or see you, that could also point to emotional neglect. This can be frustrating and leave you feeling unappreciated.
If emotional neglect sets in and has become the pattern in a relationship, it can be challenging to change that dynamic. However, if the couple is committed to working on their relationship, including their communication, it’s possible to turn things around and address the roots of emotional neglect. This might look like the following:
Identifying and acknowledging the issue The couple needs to recognize the signs of emotional neglect and identify some specific ways that emotional neglect has occurred in the relationship. The hurt that was caused also needs to be acknowledged.
Cultivating self-awareness Recognizing and understanding one’s own emotions and thoughts is necessary to then communicate them. Developing emotional self-awareness is important.
Nurturing communication The couple must grow in expressing their emotions and concerns. Learning how to use active listening helps to nurture an empathetic posture toward each other’s needs.
Rebuilding emotional connection Neglect can damage the relationship, making it crucial to take steps to rebuild the connection. Set aside dedicated time for one another so you can do things that bring joy and nurture intimacy. You can practice emotional intimacy by sharing your thoughts, feelings, and desires. Alongside this, express gratitude for each other, and celebrate each other as well as your relationship.
Part of rebuilding connection is to foster a supportive environment where thoughts can be shared openly, you make mutual attempts to meet needs, and you encourage vulnerability.
Seek professional help Couples counseling can help you to identify patterns of emotional neglect in the relationship, and your counselor can help you understand why those patterns took root. Your counselor can also help you develop strategies to deepen intimacy and overcome the patterns of emotional neglect. Call our office today to learn more and begin to overcome the challenges of emotional neglect.
“Loneliness”, Courtesy of Pawel Czerwinski, Unsplash.com, CC0 License