Sexual addiction can be especially difficult for many because the source of the addiction is always there with you. Unlike other addictions where you have to stop the behavior entirely, healthy sex is a good thing. Where is the line drawn between what is healthy and what is compulsive, harmful, and unethical? For many, that can be a hard question to answer. Our goal for treatment is to help you answer that question, build a healthy sex life, maintain accountability, heal wounds, and rebuild relationships.

According to a survey conducted by the Barna Group in the U.S. in 2014: 93 64% of self-identified Christian men and 15% of self-identified Christian women view pornography at least once a month. 37% of Christian men and 7% of Christian women view pornography at least several times a week.39% of Christian men and 13% of Christian women say they believe their use of pornography is “excessive,” and 21% of Christian men and 2% of Christian women say they think they might be “addicted” to pornography.
Internet Sex and Porn Addiction
In a time when easy porn access is always at our fingertips, the temptation can be difficult to turn away from, and the problem is only getting worse. A 2006 study of mobile search sites showed that 1 in 5 searches were for pornography. Another study shows an average 30% increase in internet and video chat porn every year since that time.
The need for sexual addiction counseling is rising, but the good news for you is that you’re not the only one who struggles with habitual sin, and because of rising need for treatment we now have better tools and resources than ever before for helping people recover.