The Gift of Relaxation and Peace of Mind
Christian Counselor Seattle
Everyone wakes up in the morning and has a choice on how they start their day. Either you can choose to have a positive mental perspective and seize the day, or you can immediately begin to worry, stress, and think about all of the things you have to do that day. It is a choice, even though we don’t always realize this!
Choose your thoughts wisely, for they will affect your entire day if you let them.
In the following video, I share tips for those who suffer from anxiety and depression and how to better manage these conditions. Those who are depressed or anxious tend to have a more negative view of things, and their perception is typically distorted.
A simple way to start changing this perspective is to look around you at God’s earth and every beautiful thing He has given for our viewing pleasure — the trees and their leaves fluttering in the wind, the beautiful monarch butterfly on the bush in front of you, the birds chirping and flying over you in the sky, the dogs in rolling around in the grass. All of these are God’s gifts to you and me to help us achieve a relaxed peace of mind. We simply need to remember to look at them once in a while, instead of passing by them without a second glance.
My grandmother used to have a sign in her bathroom that I loved reading as a child. It said, “Take your time along the way to stop and smell the roses.” This is so simple and yet so true. Having a child now as well has really made me stop to do this more than I ever have in my adult life.
You can change your perspective and achieve peace of mind any time, any place, and it can begin with stopping to take some time and smell the roses. Go ahead, their right in front of you! Let God’s beautiful display of love wash over you and let it sink in that you are beloved as well.